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The concept of the hybrid athlete is understandably appealing to many people who want variety with their training and great all-round fitness.


In addition, there are lots of opportunities to compete in fantastic hybrid athlete events, such as HYROX, Spartan Race and DEKA.


With a background in functional outdoor fitness, and having been an England Athletics running coach since 2011, I'm in great position to help you smash your next hybrid athlete event.



Hybrid athletes need to train for the demands of their event. This is the principle of specificity.


Great training begins with a well-designed and considered program where everything has a purpose, and no effort is wasted. A plan will build efficiently so that you reach your event in the best shape possible.

Exeter Running Coaching client celebrating


If an event requires you to run 8km in 1km intervals, and this running accounts of around 50% of the event, you need to focus a significant amount of time and effort improving your running. A combination of technical work, special strength training, slow and steady runs and race-pace intervals with calculated recoveries will get you where you need to be.

Fitness Group


People have a tendency to get carried away with bodybuilding-style weight training for aesthetics, or chasing high 1RM lifts. Strength training has a place in a good training program, but you cannot overlook the need for strength endurance, i.e. the ability to demonstrate a low-to-moderate amount of strength over a prolonged period for a specific task, e.g. a 1km row.

Exeter running coach with client


Gym work has, undoubtedly, an important role in the training of a hybrid athlete, but the demands of most events allow you to get out of the traditional gym environment.


Take the opportunity to enjoy intervals along the river, technical work on the athletics track or strength endurance work up with step reps.

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Many people enter events for hybrid athletes as a team of friends or work colleagues, and the style of training lends itself very well to group fitness.


If you're in this position, get in touch to see if we can arrange private group fitness sessions targeted to the needs of your group. I've got extensive experience in this area!


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